Our School » School Leadership

School Leadership

Raymond Benson Primary School houses approximately 320 children in grades preschool-early childhood, kindergarten, first and second. It is located in a quiet, residential neighborhood next to Washington Park. The building includes art, music, technology, physical education and media center into the daily schedule.  
The curriculum is aligned to the Illinois State Standards as well as the Common Core Learning Standards. We understand and value the importance of building strong foundations in the areas of language arts, math, science, social studies, health, art, music, physical education and digital citizenship/technology.
Classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards. Students have access to 1:1 i-Pads and/or tablets throughout the instructional day. The safe use of technology is taught to students through the implementation of a digital citizenship curriculum.
Benson Primary School also understands the importance of fostering the whole child. We are dedicated to supporting the social-emotional well-being of the child as well as all areas of academics and fine arts.

Please email us if you have any additional questions about our school community.  We are proud to serve respectful, responsible, safe & proud Benson Bulldogs.  
Best Wishes,